Your giving enables everything we do at All Saints Peckham, from our three weekly services to our community cafe, our CAP ministry, supporting mission partners and so much more!
All that happens at All Saints is made possible by those who pray, serve and give to the work of the church. We could not do it without you.
Thank you so much,
Rev Greg Cushing
How to give
regular giving by Standing Order
Monthly giving is vital to our mission as it enables us to plan impactful, long-term projects to reach more people with the love of Jesus.
To set up or amend a standing order, log in to your online banking or visit your local branch with our bank details:
All Saints Church
Account no: 30100463
Sort code: 40-05-25
Quote reference as: your first name and surname
Once you have set up or amended your standing order, please email us so we can identify your gift and thank you. If you haven't already done so we would be grateful if you would fill in a gift aid declaration.
You can use our bank details to make a one-off gift through your bank:
All Saints Church
Account no: 30100463
Sort code: 40-05-25
Or use this link to donate securely using a credit or debit card.
If you haven't already done so, we would be grateful if you could fill out a gift aid declaration.
giving on a sunday
You can give by cash or cheque, or set up a new standing order at any Sunday service by using a giving envelope and adding it to the offering, or by using our card machine at the welcome desk. If you watch the services online feel free to give by text when the details are shown.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider filling in the Gift Aid declaration on the envelope to make your gift go even further.
Gift Aid
If you pay Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax in the UK, we can claim back 25p on every £1 you donate through the Gift Aid scheme. To permit us to do this, please complete this Gift Aid Declaration.
If you pay tax above the basic rate, you can personally claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation (25%). You can do this either through your self-assessment tax return, or by asking HMRC to amend your tax code.