
All Saints - a home for all

Our vision at All Saints Peckham is to

pursue radical holiness together with Jesus, championing our church community as a home for all, intentionally bringing hope to our children’s anxious generation.

In order to fulfil this vision, we want everyone to be seen, heard, able to belong and join in, including those with additional needs. We're grateful to Growing Hope who recently audited our Sunday morning service and awarded us a Silver Accessibility Award.

Below we’ve provided some information on what you can expect at our church, in the hope that you’ll feel confident that you can find a home among us. We’re also keen to hear about areas where we can improve or to provide further information before you come, so please contact Gareth, our Accessibility Contact at or speak to any of the team on a Sunday.

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Our Welcome Team will greet you as you arrive to say hello, answer any questions and help you find somewhere to sit if you need it. You can identify them by their black t-shirts and orange lanyards.

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We start with sung worship led by an amplified band. It’s slightly quieter if you sit in the side aisles or at the back of church. If you find it too noisy you can pick up ear defenders or ear plugs from the Welcome Team.

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Our sermons (or talks) usually last between 20 minutes and half an hour. It’s completely fine to move around at the back and sides of church during the talk if that helps you.

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Children and young people are invited to groups during the morning service. Our groups all use a visual schedule to help everyone know the activity running order. Stories and discussions will be multisensory with movement breaks in between activities. We also have fidgets and ear defenders available in each of our groups.

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At All Saints we use ‘About Me’ forms to help meet as many needs as possible in our children’s and youth ministry. Adults are also welcome to fill this in for themselves to let us know about how to create a more accessible environment for them.

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Physical Accessibility

We have step free access to our main worship space with a ramp suitable for most wheelchairs. Some wheelchair users may find this ramp quite steep and need support- there is always someone on welcome from 10am to provide help if needed.

Most spaces used by children and young people also have step free access but let Gareth, our accessibility contact, know in advance if you will require sloped access to groups.

Our church and our church hall both have a toilet with disabled access and an emergency pull cord alarm system.

Although the service is mostly stationary, please do take the opportunity to move when you need to, and this will be encouraged from the front if you are able! We remind our congregation to go towards those who find it harder to move around.

We tend to come to the front of church to receive communion but are very happy for the team to bring it to you if that would be easier, simply indicate to a steward during communion.

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Vision & Hearing Impairments

We use audio and visual technology as part of our services. Our audio system includes a hearing loop which is best accessed in the main middle seating area.


When we display pictures we describe what is on the screen. We have a braille Bible and large print Bibles available in the prayer corner for anyone to use. Ask the Welcome Team if you'd like to access these.


Working service dogs are welcome in our services.


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All the bread we use in communion is gluten free. We offer non-alcoholic wine in individual cups and alcoholic wine from the shared chalices.

You can find further information about our church services in our FAQs here and do ask us about anything that isn’t covered.