Easter 2024
Seder Meal - 27th March
Wanting not to miss any of the rich symbolism and history of Jesus’s last days before His death, we’ve invited the organisation Jews for Jesus to walk us through the traditional elements of passover. We’ll then serve a simple vegetarian meal for us to enjoy together. Tickets for this are available now and we would appreciate you booking soon so we can plan the catering.
Good Friday - 29th March
For many years the churches in Peckham have gathered together at Peckham Square (in front of the library) on Good Friday to share why it’s ‘good’ with the people of Peckham.
We also plan to show the Jesus film at 3pm on the afternoon of Good Friday with a specific invitation to our farsi speaking friends, as we’ll have subtitles available.
EASTER SUNDAY - 31st March
Dawn Service and Resurrection Run
Easter Sunday Baptism Service
Starting our Easter Day in praise of the risen King and for those who feel inspired, a fun run together!
We'll gather at 6:30am on Peckham Rye Common in front of the cafe for a short service of praise and thanksgiving. And then heading off on a 5km run with kilometre intervals to keep together. Come and celebrate new life in Jesus together!
10:30am at Church though come a little early for toasted hot cross buns! We'll be celebrating baptisms of some of our church family in this morning all age service.
Easter Sunday Evening Celebration
6pm, Easter Sunday evening. Celebrate our living Jesus by gathering for an evening of praise and worship at church.
Easter egg Appeal
On Easter Day our team will also be supporting the Sunday service at Brixton Prison. If you'd like to support the team by purchasing an Easter egg to bless one of the men then see below to make a donation.
Easter Holiday Club
Hold on to your feathers, we're getting ready for 3 mornings of fun and games for all primary-school-aged children, as we fly through the stories of Peter and Paul in the book of Acts and how they discovered the true freedom of living life with the risen Jesus. There will be bird-related facts, jokes and wonder as we celebrate these winged creatures and how God cares for them (and us even more!).
Each morning there will be a mix of small group and big group activities with crafts, games, songs and stories. Come flutter, glide and soar with us on April 11th, 12th and 13th 10am to 12:30pm in All Saints church and hall. ALL WELCOME! Get booked in!