Electoral Roll

The Church Electoral Roll - Join below!

What is it for?
It is the Church’s register of electors. People who are recorded on this list can vote in the Annual Church meeting (this year on 22nd May 2025, more info coming soon), stand for PCC or nominate others for that role. (We elect the PCC at the Annual meeting)
It is not the same as a membership list for the church, but it does assume that you do consider yourself a member.

Who can join?
People who are over 16, state themselves to be a member of the Church, and either live in the Parish or have been habitually attending All Saints for six months (or so). If you aren’t sure if you qualify speak to Eleanor, Gareth, a churchwarden or member of the staff team.

Should I join?
Yes, if you are willing and qualified. It is one of the ways of stating your commitment to All Saints and the number on the roll is something we declare to the wider church authorities. A healthy roll helps to counter any suggestion that the church in this country or area is in decline.

What’s the catch?
Surprisingly there isn’t one! Joining the electoral roll does not involve any extra commitments. You can be a full and active member of All Saints without being on the Roll. However it is necessary if you want to be on the PCC or participate in the Annual meeting

What do I have to do to join?
Fill in a simple form which you will find a link to below. Name, address, signature and date is all it has to have, a few other contact details if you are happy to provide them. If you can't use the online form we will provide you with a paper form at church which you will need to return to Eleanor at the address below.

Why should I do it now?
This year we have to prepare a fresh electoral roll (this happens every 6 years) so even if you've signed up before we need you to do it again. We are updating the roll now so that it is as complete as possible for the Annual meeting. Forms will be available for the next few weeks. At the end of April we will have to close the update to give us time to produce the final version. (Official Church of England rules). So why wait and miss the chance?

Eleanor Orr
“Electoral Roll Officer”!
35 Kitto Road SE14 5TW