Small Groups
Jesus was all about small groups. He chose a group of 12 who not only heard his teaching, but saw what it looked like in practice, in everyday life. They were able to learn, to pray, to eat, and share their whole lives together. Whilst small groups at All Saints don’t hang out 24-7, the idea is that we create small communities where people grow in their faith together. They are a place where Jesus is the centre and where we also learn, share, encourage and keep one another accountable.
Home Groups
Home Groups meet together, usually weekly. They are places for members to share their lives with one another, pray for each other and discover what God has to say to them. There are groups meeting up all over the local area, including in Peckham, Nunhead, Dulwich and Camberwell.
Want to get connected with a Home Group?
Fill out this quick form, and we'll be in touch!
Home Group Interest Form

In addition to the home groups we have other small groups running for particular communities. These include MOLO Newbies, for mums of little babies, men's prayer breakfast and a monthly 20s and 30s social lunch. Get in touch if you'd like to be pointed in the right direction for any of these groups.
We regularly run Christianity Explored and Alpha courses with film input, food together and small group discussions. Drop us a line to find out more if this interest you!