Weekend Away 2025


If you haven't booked in yet but would like to come, please contact Julie on weekend@allsaintspeckham.org.uk . She can add you to the waiting list in case a place becomes available.  We may have a small number of beds still available so get in touch asap!

When:   Friday 13th June - Sunday 15th June 2025

  Ashburnham Place, Battle, East Sussex, TH33 9NF

Who: Our whole church family - that means you! With full fun programmes for our children and young people.

What: A weekend designed to help us connect with one another and encounter God together. The beautiful surroundings of Ashburnham Place let us walk, play, laugh, wild swim, chat, eat and gather round a campfire together. And weʼll open Godʼs word with time for prayer, worship and lingering in Godʼs presence together.
Itʼs going to be great!

Ok- so how...
Adult and child prices are listed below. All meals are included in this price. Rooms are either ensuite (with a private bathroom) or have shared bathroom facilities.

To book a spot we require a £20 per individual or £50 per family deposit. Then there are 3 different ways to pay the remainder:

  • Pay the balance straightaway by bank transfer
  • Pay the balance later but by 13/3/25 at the latest
  • Enter a payment plan paying 10 equal amounts between August 2024 and May 2025. For example, a single person might be paying around £15 per month and a family of 4 around £45 per month depending on rooms.

It is our prayer and desire that no one is excluded from this weekend because of money and we have made some bursaries available. If you would like to find out about a bursary talk to Rev Greg or Julie or send an email to weekend@allsaintspeckham.org.uk . If you could donate to help others attend we would also welcome this investment in our church family!


Standard Rooms
Adult - £160
Child 4-17 - £80
Child 3 and under - £20

Ensuite Rooms
Adult - £195
Child 4-17 - £95
Child 3 and under- £30

We hope to offer coach travel from Peckham to Ashburnham. This would cost approximately £25 per adult and £12.50 per child.

Bank Details for any payments: All Saints Church - Account 3010 0463 - Sort Code 40-05-25 . Create and use the reference WA25"SURNAME"